O curso TRINITY foi especialmente desenvolvido para o público adulto profissional que precisa aprender a se comunicar o mais rápido possível. O curso tem duração de 2 semestres e é uma excelente oportunidade para crescer na carreira, principalmente quem não tem tempo a perder. O que você está esperando?

No curso Trinity você vai aprender 20% dos vocábulos e expressões que são usados em 80% das conversações do dia a dia.



• Making introductions;
• Going to a Movie;
• Making a Grocery List;
• Making weeknds plans;
• Going to the Box Office;
• Going to a museum;
• Asking for directions;
• Going to the hair dresser;
• Going to the barber;
• Looking for an apartment;
• Talking to a Landlord;
• Going to the library;
• Getting a service call;
• Filling out an application;
• Calling 911;


• Meeting the Teacher;
• Talking to a counselor;
• Going to the library;


• Making an appointment;
• Going to the dentist;
• Going to the doctor;
• Going to the gym;
• Going to the pharmacy;


• Phoning the call Center;
• Going to the bank;
• Filling out an application;
• Interviewing for a job;
• Going to the post office;


• Going for a coffee;
• Ordering fast food;
• Ordering pizza;
• Going to a restaurant;
• Ordering at a restaurant;


• Making a grocery list;
• Going to the supermarket;
• Going shopping;
• Going to a shoe store;
• Returning na item;


• Taking the bus;
• Getting a car repaired;
• Hailing a taxi;
• Going to a gás station;

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